E-Week 2024
The Future is now thanks to Engineering! Ever since the first National Engineers Week that was celebrated in 1951, E-Week has been ensuring the future of the engineering workforce is diverese and well enducated by increasing understaning of and interest in careers in engineering and technology. At Rutgers, we celebrate this by having fun events and some friendly competition for our community.

Battle of the Majors
Show that your major is the best! Attend and volunteer in events throughout National Engineering Week to earn points for your major. Points will be tracked for each major with a winner decided at the end of the week, Friday, February 23rd.
Points will be distributed based on the percent of students in each department that attends. Points will be give from 1-10 (10 for the highest percentage department and 1 for the lowest). The Leader Board will be shared daily.
Click here to sign up to volunteer and earn points for the week.
May the Best Major Win!
Social Media Challenges
Post to Instagram following the templates below to be entered into a raffle and featured on EGC’s social media pages! Each day there will be a template posted on @ruegc Instagram. Do the challenges, enter a raffle, and win prizes!
Monday, February 19
Spirit Day
Let’s Start E-Week Right Engineers. Wear your Rutgers SOE gear, take polaroid photos and decorate our “Why I’m an Engineer” mural at the Busch Student Center. All are welcome to enjoy some free coffee, hot chocolate, and munchkins! Fill your closets with SOE apparel! But remember to come early because there will be Limited Supply!
Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: Busch Student Center Contact Tables
Volunteer Sign: Spirit Day Volunteer Sign In
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Interns Present
Sponsored by Emerson & Hosted by Theta Tau
Learn about the many professional experiences that your fellow Rutgers Engineering students have as they present to a panel of alumni judges. Explore the vast amount of future opportunities and learn first hand from these students. Enjoy a bite to eat while networking with the vast alumni in attendance to learn more about careers. You will also have a chance to win a one-on-one virtual resumé critique with an alumni.

Time: 7 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.
Location: Richard Weeks Hall
Event RSVP: Interns Present 2024 RSVP
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
RU Smarter than a Professor?
Who do you think is smarter, students or professor? Let’s find out with RU Smarter than a Professor. Support or even participate in this competition against each other to show that your side is smarter in fun, miscellaneous, and engineering-related trivia! Food will be served before, so come early! Registration space is limited, and we want teams diverse with all departments. Signing up does not guarantee and entrance to the competition.

Time: 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Location: Richard Weeks Hall, Room 102
Register: RU Smarter than a Professor
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Young Engineers Day
Inspire the next generation of engineers. Encourage a love for engineering for the next generation. Volunteer to facilitate fun and engage in engineering workshops and activities. We invite 3-12 schools to join us in activities that will foster engineering loving students.
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Volunteer Sign Up: Young Engineers Day Volunteer Form
Cardboard Canoe Races
Sponsored by Emerson
All are invited compete to build and sail their cardboard, duct tape, and garbage bag ships. The teams will be racing their boats across an olymic size pool. Spectators are encourage to cheer on the teams competing.
Time: 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Team Check-In: 6 p.m.
Teams Building: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Location: Sonny Werblin Recreation Center
Register teams of 2 (First-come, First-Serve): Cardboard Canoe Race Sign Up
Volunteer Form: Cardboard Canoe Volunteer Form

Friday, February 23, 2024
Dean’s Distinguished Lecture
Robotics: Pioneering Space Exploration
Join our distinguished panel of experts in space architecture and space systems as we explore the synergy between cutting-edge robotics, human endeavors to explore space, and the potential of new 3D printing technology.
Stephen Indyk Eng’10, GSNB’15 – Director of Space Systems Honeybee Robotics
Larry Toups – NASA (Retired), Adjunct Professor, Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture, University of Houston
Melodie Yashar – Vice President, Building Design and Performance ICON
Time: 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Registration Coming Soon
Location: Richard Weeks Hall, Room 102